Monday, April 21, 2014

Weeks 16-18 The moment of truth!

Twin Skulls
It seems each couple weeks becomes more and more eventful as we move forward. I am feeling the babies alot these days. We have progressed from bubble popping to full out kicks, punches and maybe some head butts! It is by far my favorite time of the pregnancy. My nausea has subsided, my pelvic pain comes and goes and I only have bouts of sleepiness here and there. I have an appetite which is nice but every time I sit down to eat I manage to only fit about a third of the food I want to eat. At my most recent Doctor Appointment I weighed-in with only a two pound gain from the start. My Doc is not so happy about this, "with twins you should have gained 6-8lbs by now." She advised me to start consuming two Boost protein shakes a day to ensure the babies will be a good birth weight. In addition, I had some good news too, my second thyroid screening revealed that I no longer have any abnormal hormone levels and that I do not have hyperthyroidism after all!! Hip hip hooray! My new symptom this month is Braxton Hicks. Yes, some may say, "that sure is early for that" but not for a multiples pregnancy. My uterus is growing at a much faster rate giving it more opportunities to spasm. There is no rhyme or reason to them. Some days I have multiple and other days none. I can be sitting or standing and there are no patterns. As I get larger they will come more and more. For those who don't know the feeling, my stomach tightens and gets hard like a bowling ball. The pressure causes you to feel like you need to use the restroom. They can be very uncomfortable at times but mostly annoying because they stop me in my tracks!

Now onto the the news everyone has been waiting for! All three of us went to the ultrasound appointment. We had snacks and games on hand for Austin because these appointments tend to last about 2 hours! He was a trooper. Austin sat in daddy's lap the whole time I was on the exam table. Right away we discovered that Baby A might not cooperate so our tech measured Baby B first. A couple measurements here and some others there and then it was time! Baby B is a BOY! No surprise there really, he was very proud to let us know! I will be honest, I was very nervous at this point. We really want to have a girl and we are only one more chance away from getting her.
Baby Boy parts

 My heart was pounding as we finished up with Baby B and moved down to see if Baby A was ready to cooperate! Yay, it was, it was not in the greatest position but we had to get measurements first anyway. It was me that first noticed the difference with this one. As the tech measured leg bones I saw what I wanted to see....nothing! Meaning no penis, "oh my gosh, was this a girl??" Yes! She was, the tech announced, "well looks like you get to have your GIRL!" We were so happy and I was crying happy tears and so relieved! What a perfect family, two boys and a little girl!!! It's the combination I have always wanted! Our ultrasound Doctor came in then and confirmed they are for sure girl and boy and that so far our genetic tests show that our babies are normal. Each weighs 8 ounces and baby B the boy is measuring just slightly smaller than baby A. They also have their own placentas and have not fused so we shouldn't have any problems with them growing at the same rate. We will now be having an ultrasound every 4 weeks to keep any eye on them! As of now Baby A is breech, it is very early and she could move positions. If she does not decide to move though, I will be having a C-section delivery.
Baby Girl parts

Now the fun begins, I had been patiently waiting to find out the gender before I started spouting off names. We do have a girl name in mind that has several spelling alternatives to decide on but once again we are at a complete loss for a boy :/ It will be neat to come up with two names we love! I am so happy that I have all the boy clothes I need and that we have plenty of people offering up a girl wardrobe for her! I am not matchy matchy when it comes to twins so I am glad that they are different genders. That will allow them to have their own clothing identities with an occasional color coordination. Case in point, their very different red, white and blue outfits below yet appropriately matching :)

Baby Girl profile and Baby Boy frontal face view

My attempt at Austin Announcing
The official facebook Announcement!

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