Thursday, April 3, 2014

Weeks 12-15 A BIG Surprise, the announcement and lots to think about!

Week 12 has arrived and I am headed into the Doctor for that first genetic ultrasound. My mom is with Austin and I tell Paul to go to work because it's just routine stuff! Ha! After drinking my huge water and not using the restroom for the best photo results, I climb up on the table, get covered with goo and joke with the tech,

Me:  "Well, I am here to see if there are two in there!"
Tech: "Let me check some quick things and then we can investigate."

About two minutes of basic measurements...

Tech: "Well, you are right, there are two babies!!"
Me: "Oh my God, really!" As I cup my hand over my mouth in shock and say, "oh my gosh, oh my gosh," giggle alittle, "oh my gosh," tears start streaming!
Tech: "See, there are two sacs"
Me: "Does that mean they are fraternal?"
Tech: "Most likely but not always"
Me: "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," more tears!

She proceeds to measure both babies and get their heartbeats. 160 and 158 BPM and measuring 12w1day each! She hands me a roll of photos and I stare in amazement still absorbing the information. The Doc comes in and goes through the risks of a multiple pregnancy and informs me that now I get to have an ultrasound every 6 weeks! Yay, that's exciting, I only had 1 total with Austin.

Now to tell Paul. I call him in the elevator as I leave.

Me: " Hi Honey, well I have some really big news!"
Him: Silence
Me: "You want to guess?"
Him: "Oh no, no, no!"
Me: "Well, you guessed right then, we are having twins!"
Him: "How sure is it, this early?"
Me: "Very sure, wait till you see the pic, they are both in it!"

Baby B and Baby A
I let him go then, he needed space. I am glad he wasn't with me, he would have taken away from my happy tearfilled moment. I knew it would be hard on him. He asked me later in the day for the photo and was just stunned at the quality! The afternoon and evening consisted of calling everyone with the news and announcing it to the Facebook world a couple days later making it officially out in the open.

My 12 weeks Belly, I would like to note that I was not this large with Austin until 16 weeks!
Many things have gone through our minds in the past weeks. How long can I work, do we have enough money? When can I return to wotk after? What about vacations? Money money money! Oh, will I never sleep again? Can we do this? They will out number us. What things do we need? I yi yi!

A week or two later, the shock is over and we have decided to find out their genders at the next ultrasound, who wants to pick out 4 name scenarios... Not us! We didn't find out with Austin. So many different things this time around.

Fraternal Twin at 12 weeks
In the meantime, my nausea has mostly subsided and I'm off the meds. I now take extra folic acid and slow release iron along with my prenatal vitamins. I have gained 2lbs back to 117 and gained 2 sometimes 3 inches in my belly, it changes throughout the day. I have developed a very nasty pain in my pelvis. It feels like it's bruised or broken. Certain actions are terrible. Getting in and out of the car, tuning in bed, getting out of bed. Walking in general, standing from a seated position. The Doctor said this is normal as the baby weight is still very low. As they start to move more up and out, I might experience some relief. I am trying to limit heavy lifting, groceries, laundry and my heavy toddler, I guess carrying him on my hip is a big NO NO!

 I can feel the babies move internally, not externally with my hand yet. Feels like popping bubbles, sometimes stronger like a real kick.

 We also have wonderful news that my cousin Chip and his wife Lindsay welcomed the first Keller twins, two boys! We are excited to have someone in our boat and I love chatting with Lindsay about what I should expect. Next up, ultrasound on April 21st, my grandmas birthday!

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