Thursday, April 3, 2014

Weeks 10-11 A new diagnosis!

Week 10 has finally arrived and I finally get to go to my first Prenatal Doctor visit. First you meet with the nurse for your vitals, family history and receive the fun book, " How to have a happy and healthy pregnancy." Next comes the Doctor. She is not my favorite Doctor in the world. I have been lucky to have my uncle and also my friends Dad be my doctors. They personally know me. It's just different because I have no history with her. I am not afraid to express my uncertainty about her. In fact I am still considering switching to someone else in the practice!

Well, anyway onto the visit. It was too early to detect the heartbeat with the Doppler...major bummer! We discussed having some genetic testing done which consists of an ultrasound at 12 weeks and another at 18 weeks, it also involves 2 rounds of blood work. I agreed as long as our insurance covers it, which it does, supposedly. I say this because we received a nice statement informing us that it costs $7000 a visit. WHAT?!?!? Luckily not a bill as of yet!

I then begged her to put me on some nausea medicine as I have been miserable. She initially told me to suck it up, " most woman go through this" (yeah right lady!!!) But in the end I got to take Diclegis which has been a life saver. It only took the edge off, not totally eliminating my symptoms but anything is better than what I have endured. Then off to the lab I went for the routine blood work and urine sample.

Fast forward a week and the results come back that my thyroid test is irregular and a couple days later I'm at the Endocrinologist. I have hyperthyroidism! So that is why I have been so sick or so we think. The Doc explains that my elevated pregnancy hormone Hcg is tricking my thyroid into producing too much T4 making me extra sick, tired and lose weight. Well, that sure is a relief, except all I have stuck in my head now is...hmmm elevated Hcg, that could mean twins? I express my concern with a few people, my friend Susan and my parents, that I think there might be twins inside but we more joke about it than anything. I guess Paul must have blocked those conversations out......dun dun dun!

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