Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weeks 19-20 Over the Hump!

Not a whole lot going on the last couple weeks. The halfway point has come and gone which is Awesome! With a singleton pregnancy, 20 weeks is considered halfway but 18 or 19 weeks usually qualifies for multiples. This pregnancy is going much faster than when I was pregnant with Austin. I cannot really tell if its because I have gone through it once before or if it's because I am growing much faster? Either way, I think all pregnant women want the day to come quicker but I am starting to panic as things move closer. I truly know that I am capable of handling them, it's really only the sleep deprivation that is scaring me stupid. I am not at all excited about the mommy zombie phase that comes the first 3-6 weeks and with twins, I know it will be much longer before I am sane again.

Paul requested a bare belly shot before I get "ALIEN-like"
20 weeks
Some positive tidbits going on, I feel the babies often, everyday now! I have been playing the, "who is kicking me game?" from our last ultrasound I have been able to somewhat decipher if its her kicking (down low) or him (up high near my belly button) They have both had their share of hiccups already and my mom got to feel HIM just this morning. I am finally gaining some weight due to my tasty chocolate protein drinks and I am a comfortable size for doing most tasks. My pelvic pain is now gone and I hope it stays that way but I doubt it. I sleep well other than my ridiculous allergies that have started this week causing me to sleep upright but on my side in order to keep my nose clear! I celebrated my 33rd birthday, one which I consider to be a lucky birthday since I was born on the 3rd :)

Going out for my birthday dinner- make-up, hair and heels!!

Life is about to get more busy for me this next week. From January until now I have only really been working once or twice a week. Starting next week I have a new baby girl, she will be 6 weeks old coming to my house for 2 mornings a week. In addition, I will be watching Austin's best friend Hugh those same two days a week for May, June and July. Then in June I will be traveling back to Huron on Thursdays and Fridays to be with my best buddies Drake and Ellee! I am very excited to be able to have a full( money earning) summer. I will not be working from the time the twins come until about January so it will be nice to build a small savings. I only hope that my body stays happy and the babies stay content so that I am able to function this summer and not be put on bed rest. I do expect August to be a very different story and will probably cut back on most activity.

As for names, we still have only a girls first and middle name in mind but have not decided how public we will make the names. Male name picking does not come very easy to Paul. In fact, he is rather picky and difficult. I have spouted off just about every name I can possibly think of and we have no contenders even! He wants a name that is not ultra common yet not too different. So, once again it appears I will most likely fold and agree to the first name he actually suggests but hey, I guess we came up with the girls name quick so maybe he will let me have the final say on the spelling!

Next up will be another doctors appointment at the end of 21 weeks and another ultrasound at 22 weeks.

Babies at 20 weeks except our twins heads are next to each other.

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