Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Weeks 21-22 Good Doctor Visits

Well, I am feeling rather plump these days! I know I am still small considering I will probably be double or triple the size that I am now. I am really doing good with weight, averaging about 1 pound a week now. I am up 13 pounds if you count the couple pounds I lost in the beginning. My doctor was thrilled to chart me at a 10 pound gain after my last appointment only being a 2 pound gain. I feel wonderful except for my lingering allergies which mostly consists of a hacking cough and needing to use my inhaler more often. Austin is in the same boat, poor kid has been off and on sneezing and coughing like me.

I have been more active during the day which is causing more exhaustion at night but it makes for a good nights sleep. I just started watching my friends son Hugh an additional day a week and the new baby 2 half days as well. It has been great to have a newborn around to give me my baby fix. Now that I am starting to get anxious to meet our babies, having a seven week old around to cuddle and love is keeping me at bay :)

The babies are off to the races moving at certain parts of the day and sleeping most of it. I have noticed a couple trends of wake and sleep time with them. Luckily they both sleep during the night and I am not awoken by kicks and flips. Speaking of flips, they both have lots of room to move. During our ultrasound they went from both being head down to both being transverse(sideways). They are weighing 1 lb 1oz and 1 lb 2 oz with heartbeats of 146 and 147. (So much for the old wives tale of differing heartbeats for different genders) which they are still confirmed one girl and one boy ;)

Baby boy profile with arm up by face

Baby Girl face frontal, on the left you can see her eyes, nose and mouth

Baby girl profile 

We now have two girls names that are battling it out for ultimate winner but the middle name is the same for either. We have come up with one boy name and possible middle name. There is a chance once we decide on the first names we may share them but might keep the middle names secret since they have more meaningful significance.
As for the differences with this pregnancy and Austin.

Austin- nighttime queeziness.      Twins- six weeks straight all day sickness
Austin- heartburn from hell.          Twins- mild rare occurances of heartburn
Austin- constant nose bleeds.      Twins- no nose bleeds
Austin- craved fruit.                      Twins- craving the norm, ice cream, pickles and fried foods
Austin- pure exhaustion.               Twins- daytime insomnia
Austin- braxton hicks 30 weeks.  Twins- braxton hicks at 15 weeks
Austin- 1 ultrasound.                      Twins- 3 ultrasounds already more to come

Next up...24 weeks belly shot and one wild and busy summer!

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