Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Twins are 10 months old!

Scooting and crawling and standing......oh my!

Crawling all over the place
Wow, another month has wizzed by! Not only has it been fast but it has been action packed, complex and challenging to say the least. I really don't get much down time. I joke to my friends that I don't sit down or eat but it's not much of a joke to be honest! I rest only when I sleep at night which thank goodness is usually a solid 11-8. My lack of energy is due to the fact that Logan has mastered the "real" crawl AND within a week from doing so he also learned how to pull himself up to standing. Luckily for now, he's not cruising. I am sure that's just around the corner! The day Logan learned to crawl, Kelsey started the army crawl/scoot. Twin Fun Fact: Kelsey scoots with her right arm dominate and Logan did with his left arm. Will we have a lefty and a righty twin? Only time will tell!

Standing...so proud!
We can both self feed now!
Mr. Logan has also cut his first bottom two teeth.Teething in this house is not accompanied by a fever but rather a runny nose and acidic poos. Poor Logan has such terrible poo, he ended up with a yeast infection diaper rash. As for a schedule we have had a real routine for a couple months but the babies are still not consistent with napping. My goal is to keep them up until after breakfast then put them down for nap but half the time, one of them crashes beforehand setting them up for opposite nap schedules for the whole day! They are sleep trained and sleep in their cribs so at least its easy getting them down for naps and bed. Nap duration is also still inconsistent, lasting 30 minutes to 2 hours, I never know what I am going to get or if they will both participate.
Both sleeping in cribs for nap

Bedtime Shenanigans
Chloe the babysitter

We are still introducing new foods and this month they have had cauliflower, papaya, cottage cheese, asparagus, cinnamon, pumpkin, wheat germ and eggplant. I have started making their puree a little more chucky and they had their first melt-in-your mouth puff snacks! We are going to start giving soft foods in chunks as they seem to enjoy picking up their food and learning to chew it! If anything, it certainly makes meal time more calm because they have something to concentrate on instead of screaming while the other twin gets a turn being spoon-fed!

                                                      Diaper playtime on a hot day

Shopping with all 3!

Silly Sleeper!

                                                       Closest Willis gets to the kids

 To go along with our extremely active twins, we have an extremely active Daddy! Each year Paul has a "spring break". He is the only non-broker in his office and they all attend and annual conference in Las Vegas. For the past several years, we have used his handful of days off to work on a project in our house. A couple years ago was the foundation of our mudroom, last year was the front porch composite and this year was our new dining room floor. The remodel consisted of tearing up the old heart pine floor, marrying new beams to the existing (to level the floor), laying a new sub-floor and finally laying the new engineered bamboo floor. Because its engineered, it snaps in place like a laminate floor but has a real wood veneer! He cranked it out in 4 days. We still need to sand, prime and paint all of the trim to finish off the room but we can do that whenever we have time (hahaha, which is never). We also hired (what? yes, we are sad we couldn't do it ourselves) a construction company to dig out our old driveway, pour a new pad and back section of drive, build a garage and side it. Paul and my dad will be installing the electric and Paul will be hanging the drywall on his own.
New Bamboo floor

Framed up
Driveway Demo

So, about our busy household. Let's add another person, ME! I have officially launched my photography business and webpage. I am up and running and accepting appointments and getting great results. You may check out my company at Newarrivalsphotography.com. I have had many sessions in the last month, learned photoshop for editing and my wonderful and always surprising husband bought me a touch screen laptop so that I am able to work in the living room. Prior to the new computer I had to wait for everyone to cooperate and work on our desktop on the 3rd office. The computer has been more of a learning curve than anything else. You can switch between keyboard and mouse or touchscreen keyboard and navigation. Luckily, I had a tablet and smartphone prior so the mobile aspect I already had a hang of.

My new travel bag for Hospital shoots

We have one last busy bee in this house or course, Austin! He had his last home speech appointment last week. Now that school is out he will not receive services until he starts preschool in the Fall. We will get our paperwork and teacher assignment in July. He will however continue to attend OT every other week as of now. Austin continues to show improvement with speech especially if there is an action or sign associated with it. His new words are Me, dump, Wa-wa (water) please and he attempts to say thank you. He has been displaying signs that he is ready to be potty trained but I honestly have no idea how I am going to pull it off with how demanding the twin are. I really need a full week with someone here to help me in order to train him effectively. My hope is that I can arrange something in July. He does not need to be trained for school but I really want him to trained by then anyway but again, I just have to see!
Kelsey and Clara matching on Memorial Day
Three crazy kids

Random fever= random sleeping 
Logan fell asleep in the bouncer for the first time!
We have a VERY busy summer ahead of us.Our calendar is booked every weekend until August 15th! My week days are much more laid back and I will get to pick and choose events to attend with the Mommies group and playdates with our others friends in town. The twins first birthday party will most likely be the highlight with a backyard BarB-Q bash at my parents in Sandusky! My post will be late next month so that I am able to include pictures of cousin Chips twins when they are here to visit the sccond week of July!!! We are so excited to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post :) We are excited to see you guys too!! One more month. xo, Lindsay
