Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Twins are 9 months old!

Busy Bees!

9 months old
Well with how slow last month went this month flew by! I truly cannot believe our little shrimps are getting so old! Once again lots has happened!

Wild ones!
First off, I have officially started my infant photography business. I decided on the name of New Arrivals Photography. Luckily the domain name was available so we went for it! Starting a business in the computer era is pretty fast and easy. First you need to buy (yes pay for) the rights to a domain name. Then you build a website, you can go the long, slow, code building route or do what I did and sign up for free build your own click and paste site! We are in the process of finalizing my site before I publish it and pay (yes pay again)a site to host it! Along with that, we are designing a logo and watermark. I went public with an easy Facebook page to get the word out until I am officially up and running. I have a handful of photo shoots in May, two friends I am shooting for free to build my portfolio and two customers on the books!! I will be concentrating on newborn photos at the hospital, home births and studio shots at my house for ages birth to age 1. Although that is the area I plan to hone in on, I am open to other ages of kids but I just won't be advertising for those (probably more for my close friends and family)! I have been buying my basic supplies to get started (backdrops and lighting) and collecting props as I find them, believe it or not the Target $1 bin has been more useful than I expected! I have also created some custom items. I broke out my wood carving tools from college and carved some gumbo wood letter cubes for my upcoming shoots(like the ones cousin Kate got our twins as a gift). I decided to get the ball rolling with my business because I am not having much luck on the childcare job hunt and I am hoping this can take some of the financial responsibility! I still hope to find someone part time to watch and I have some Fridays this summer with my best buddies Drake and Ellee!
Carved I block

The babies had their 9 month checkup and are doing super! Kelsey is 16 pounds and 27 inches. (17 percentile overall) Logan is 19 pounds and 27.5 inches. (66 percentile overall) We have introduced more foods (mostly grains) this month, new foods include cauliflower, apricot, brown rice, spelt, barley flour and meats(chicken and turkey). Logan is working on crawling still, he is getting quicker at his army crawl and Kelsey still hasn't really cared to do anything but roll around. She is getting better at sitting up on her own. I had to buy her a bib with sleeves because she is crazy messy especially when eating yogurt! I have two friends in my mommies group that I have been borrowing all kinds of things from and we now have matching jumperoos! These kids are a riot, they bounce and bounce and bounce until miss Kelsey bounces herself to sleep! It's darn cute but has scared the crap out of me a couple of times to come around the corner to find her limp just to realize she fell asleep in the seat again!!! Because Logan is pretty much mobile the BIG playroom transformation has occurred. The babies are now gated in the foyer with their age appropriate toys and Austin has graduated to mostly free rein of the house with his small parts toys out of the reach of little shrimp hands :)
Matching bouncers
At the Pediatrician

New baby playroom, notice Logan's acrobatics!
A bib with sleeves for Ms. Messy
The babies have a regular eating schedule now but napping is still all over the place. They seem to be awake more now but still only take 30 minute cat naps. I sometimes get lucky and one will sleep for an hour but the other two are still up so no break for me! Austin continues to nap rarely and has been going to bed about 8:00p.m. and sleeping until 8:00a.m. The twins schedule is this, they wake at about 8:00 and have a bottle, 10:30 Breakfast which is a fruit and cereal. Bottle at noon, fruit with yogurt and cereal at 2:00. Bottle at 3:30. Vegetable, protein dinner at 5:30. Bottle at 7 and bottle at 9 then bed about 10:00 p.m. Because we have somewhat of a system, I have been venturing out of the house with all 3 at least once a week to a function my mommies group is having.
Lined up for dinner

Austin's new attachment, triple stroller!
I had two little photo shoots with some of my new tools so I could practice how to use them properly. I did some indoor shots then some outdoor pictures because they require different settings on my camera that I need to master. I think I have a pretty good hang of things! One of the shoots happen to fall on my birthday! It was a perfect sunny 75 degree day. My mom and grandma came up to visit and I was able to even take a 4 generation picture! The night before Grammy Barb came to watch the kids and we went to dinner with my brothers and our friends (table of 9) at our favorite restaurant, Salmon Daves! I took my very first Uber rides(taxi service of the future) we had a crappy Dodge Caravan on the way to dinner but lucked out and came home in an Cadillac Escalade! All in all, it was probably one of my favorite birthdays EVER!!! Thanks to everyone who made it so special :)

Rolled himself up!

Asleep on the floor

Logan's preemie outfit is laid on top

Reading to Kelsey

Bedtime snuggles

4 generations of Ladies on my birthday!

Gigi and the twinies

House renovations will be in next months blog!

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