Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weeks 29-31 The turning point

The third trimester has arrived with a vengeance and reared it's ugly head! Uncomfortable has become my way of life. Uncomfortable to stand, the weight on my legs makes me feel like I ran a marathon everyday. Uncomfortable to sit because that's all I do, SIT. My tail bone is just about numb from all the sitting and I am not even on bed rest. Uncomfortable to eat because I can only fit small amounts. Uncomfortable to shower because I need to find a bench to sit on.(anyone have an old person bench?) Uncomfortable to sleep because I switch sides every half hour, pee at least 4 times and my ribs burn from expanding but luckily not from kicks. I really don't know if there is a time when I am not uncomfortable(oh wait, in the pool) but then as soon as I hit the staircase out- it's like, "woah my aching back" UGH! I did not experience any of this with Austin so it's officially new and not so fun to be pregnant anymore! By the way, I have surpassed my Austin size around and weight gain but funny I am not as heavy with the twins yet because I started out 10 pounds lighter so I will most likely weigh the same at their birth as I did with him.

The weeks prior to this week alone, life was fantastic (awkward) but very manageable. I spent my free time assembling baby items that were stored in the attic and getting my ducks all in a row. I sure am glad I got almost all of the nesting done now that I can barely get around without moving like a snail, out of breathe or hurting all over from the simplest tasks! This will be my last week of work for a long time! I had to cut it one week short, I was hoping to get through July but it's just too much strain. August is going to be a very boring month (visitors are welcome to come keep me company and occupy poor Austin.)

Our 83 year old Bassinet from the Smith/Keller side. Our babies will be the 4th generation to sleep in it just like Austin!
Okay, I am done with the complaining, onto the good stuff. I have had 3 appointments since I last wrote with lots of items to report. One, my weight is good at 30 lbs so far. Two, my blood pressure is wonderful at 116/68 which is normal for me. Three, I have no swelling in my legs and feet. My ultrasound was very good except that we found out both babies are breech and that I am most likely having a c-section delivery. Baby girl weighs 4 pounds and baby boy weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces. That has really eased my worries. They are at a good weight for a projected delivery in 4-6 weeks hopefully being over 5 pounds then! I have been informed that if I go into labor soon, they will only try to stop the contractions if I am less than 34 weeks, anything after, we are a go for delivery. Also, if we make it to week 37 we will schedule an induction or more likely the c-section by week 38. My next ultrasound is set for week 35 and we will know more then!

Baby Boys cute little 3D face!
Today I also had my very first non-stress test. Pretty uneventful actually! The fetal Doppler monitor was connected to me to detect both babies heart rates and movements. Our son is an angel and cooperated just fine(like his brother) but man oh man baby girl is a trip. She was all over the place and gave us a real run around to track her. Maybe she will be better on Monday for my next test. Yep, a test every week until I deliver! I also had a tetanus booster and my arm is aching, more being uncomfortable(Geesh). We plan to have one more exciting weekend to visit some friends in Columbus this weekend and then it's home bound and boring life for me. The only exception will be to meet my twin baby cousins who are four months old already and will be in town to visit briefly in a couple weeks! I suppose I should take this time and enjoy the calm before the storm and the decent sleep before it all ends!

Until next time, the countdown has officially begun!!!!

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