Monday, June 30, 2014

Weeks 27-28 Names Reveal!

Fraternal twins at 28 weeks
It has been about two months now that we have had the names picked out but we were telling people we didn't...haha, yeah sorry! It is probably safe to say these will be the two names we use but then again until they are born we could possibly change our minds :) As it stands, our little girl will be Kelsey and our little boy will be Logan. Of course these are both names that Paul came up with around May. We have been tossing around others but these two names have stuck around. I do like them but they just weren't MY first choices! The middle names are ones that I picked out and they are more officially decided. Those will remain a surprise so that we have something to reveal after the birth. Both sides of our families have a special shout out for the middle names so we hope the people involved in those names will be excited when they recognize their significance! So there you have it, probably the one thing since the gender reveal that everyone has been patiently waiting to hear! It is still very weird for me to know what gender the babies are and what their names will be. I very much liked not finding out with Austin and keeping the names secret but I guess it has been fun to be able to have both scenarios!

A doggie blanket for Logan and a Bunny blanket for Kelsey to match their big brothers Ducky blanket
As for me, I just had my first two week checkup. I am now entering the third and final trimester. All is well except my weight once again. The doctor says I am an okay weight but I really should be heavier. I have gained 20 pounds but probably should be 25 or more by now. I have anywhere from 8-10 weeks left to gain 20 more pounds (oh boy). I just cannot imagine being double the size :/. I have been continuing to drink my boost and I have added a protein nut bar everyday. I eat whenever possible but because I am such a healthy eater I don't really pack on the pounds. The babies are right on track for their weights, so maybe it won't be such a big deal in the long run! I have another appointment in two weeks and then I will go in every week until the birth for the non-stress test monitoring. I dont know too much about this but from what I gathered, I will be hooked up to the fetal monitor for 30-60 minutes depending on how the babies cooperation. I also believe they will be checking my dilation during these visits. I am going to wait and post again in 3 weeks after I have had the next appointment, the next ultrasound and the first non-stress test. I should have lots of things to report on during that post!

My 28 weeks belly
In the meantime, I have already started "nesting". I have been assembling and washing baby items (clothes, bedding, swings, chairs) whenever I have had extra time. Sarah (Paul's sister) has given me Clara's (our niece) girl clothes items. I have gone through both her and my boy items picking out the weather appropriate (Austin was a winter baby) newborn and 3 month old items. They are washed and divided ready for the twins arrival. It is not unheard of to deliver twins extremely early so I want to make sure I have everything done by August. I also risk the chance of bed rest later on so that is another reason I want things in place so I don't need to ask anyone to handle those things for me! It will be enough work for Paul if he has to do the shopping and housework. Rest assured as of now, I am doing great and even attended the Bruno Mars concert. My birthday gift from my brother Ryan and his girlfriend LeAnn was a ticket for myself and LeAnn to attend the concert. They were bought before I announced I was pregnant so we just hoped that I would be in good enough condition to go! It was an amazing show and we had seats further back so I was away from the more rambunctious crowd and the louder speakers. I even danced (well more like swayed and wiggled) plus a sober concert proves to be shorter than a drunken one haha!

LeAnn and I on our way to the Bruno Mars concert
Well, its 4th of July week so I am looking forward to some time off work. I have Austin's best buddy Hugh a couple days this week but then I will be relaxing on the beach or at the pool for the remainder. One more holiday with only one child. I just think about how crazy it will be on the beach next summer with 3 kids under 3 1/2!!! Oooooooh man!

Until next time :)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Weeks 25-26 Gestational Diabetes Scare!

Wow, another two weeks! This summer is going to breeze by and by breeze, I mean if it doesn't get ultra hot I will be a happy girl. I am working back in Huron a couple days a week, which has been wonderful. Ellee and Drake adore Austin and vise versa! Austin has been known to cry when Ellee leaves the room, too cute! He has been getting wore out playing with the big kids and going to bed earlier and earlier! Early being 9:00pm since he is usually a night owl and up until 10:30 sometimes later! I am really enjoying the summer work load except that we have not had great weather for the pool. I hope that changes for July when I plan to be bouyant as much as possible.

Last week I had my routine glucose test which I did not pass. The 1 hour test involves drinking a bottle of glucola, which I don't ever seem to have a problem with, in my opinion it's just like orange pop. After one hour of sitting in the lab they draw your blood to test how your body processes the sugar. Well, my levels were higher than normal so I was ordered to take the dreaded 3 hour test. This one is similar but involves fasting for 12 hours prior. When you get to the lab you have a blood draw before the drink, then you drink a higher concentrated glucola than the 1 hour, this one was fruit punch flavored and still not bad. Well, for the next 3 hours you have your blood drawn every hour on the hour. Only crappy parts involve no eating and drinking during the 3 hours and no leaving the lab!!! It was rather boring but I brought many things to make the time pass and it ended up going much faster than I anticipated. When all was said and done, I passed the test and do not have gestational diabetes! I'm thrilled, I was not looking forward to being on a special diet or worrying that the babies could arrive earlier than expected!

I also had a routine Doctor appointment which Austin attended with me and he did great playing on his tablet in the exam room corner! I now see my Doc every two weeks, until we get closer. My weight is great so I am down to only one Boost a day and some extra protein snacks because I get a bit jittery if I don't eat every couple hours. In addition to the routine exam, I also had my 4th ultrasound. Baby girl is once again breech (butt down) and baby boy is transverse (across) the top. So essentially, they make a T formation :/ They are growing wonderfully with her being 2 pounds 3 ounces and him being 2 pounds 1 ounce. My cervix is closed and long which is awesome! No bed rest in my near future. My ultrasound Doctor who is different than my OB, said I was doing so good that he would wait to see me again for the next ultrasound in 5 weeks instead of 4 weeks. The best part was we got to finally have some neat 3D pics of the babies and the girl was the one who cooperated this time!
Our baby girl's face with the 3D ultrasound! What a cutie

My 26 weeks belly, I was taking pictures at my Mommies group 10th Anniversary Party!