Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Twins are 5 months old. Corrected Age 3 months!

Better late than never!

5 months old already??
I am a little behind with this post and in a couple weeks I will be posting their 6 month updates! We had a very good holiday season! We were home for two separate visits during Paul's 2 week winter break. First for Christmas then again for New Year's and cousin Clara's 5th birthday! The kids all got lots of gifts but thankfully not too many so at least our house is not exploding! We received lots of money that will go toward formula for our expensive twins :)
Santa Babies
Kelsey and GiGi on  Christmas Day
Grammy and her 5 grandkids on Christmas Eve

The babies are starting to show their personalities! Logan is quite the attention hog! He prefers to interact with someone versus being left to himself. He has taken up standing often. He would much rather stand on your legs or in the exersaucer than lay or sit in a chair. He is getting more and more happy and is quite the ham bone always grinning and he is very fun to tickle with the best belly laughs! He is often tricky to get down to sleep but once he does he is out for the count (11:30-8:00)and when he wakes up in the morning he coos and babbles in his crib waiting patiently for a bottle! He is still using Nutramigen (4-6 ounces) about every 2 hours during the day. Kelsey is our little mouse. She is also very happy and has started giggling too. She is a fan of big brother Austin and finds him quite amusing, especially if we chase after him around the house! She adores watching him do things and I think they may end up being great pals! She is also our party girl! She loves to see what is going on and has a hard time sleeping if there is action or new people to look at! She whips her head back and forth to make sure she isn't missing out on anything exciting! She gets this from me! I get very anxious with the idea of a party!! She goes down to bed easier than Logan but often wakes during the night. She doesn't need fed usually just wants her pacifier back! Both babies have been chewing at their fists desperate to find their thumbs. They do succeed sometimes and suck but neither is a consistent thumb sucker and still use their pacifiers more often. They also have not shown a preference to which thumb yet, just chewing on which ever seems closer! Kelsey still nurses and I go back and forth about how long I want to continue. Next month they will probably start cereal and some solid foods so I will probably cut back or quit then but we will see!
Morning smiles
Logan standing on New Year's Eve

Each month presents a new challenge. This month is a juggling act. Almost every day the babies are on an one up, one down schedule with usually no break! It's exhausting! I am hoping that sometime in the next two months I can get their nap times synchronized so I can work with Austin or have time to relax! Luckily, I am writing this today because the babies are napping at the same time and Austin is learning letters on his tablet! I suspect the babies are exhausted from last night! We attended a party at Paul's boss' house for the National Championship Ohio State football game! The kids all did great and stayed up for the game. We arrived home and went to bed around 1:30 a.m. so everyone is a little off schedule as we slept in until 10:00!

New Year's Day for the Bowl game
I don't often touch on Austin but for this post I will! As many of you may know, Austin will be turning 3 this month and is delayed with speech. We have had a speech therapist and OT for the past year through Help Me Grow, a state funded organization! At age 3 he will then be switched to Lakewood schools. He is enrolled in speech preschool and will get services in our home from February until June. Then he will attend preschool for speech starting in the fall! He will go to school M-Th. We have not decided yet if he will attend the morning or afternoon session both lasting 2.5 hrs. He was referred by our pediatrician at his 2 year appointment because he had less than 10 words. He now only has about 25 words, 25 sounds and a handful of alphabet letters! We are hoping he blossoms soon because he has trouble communicating basic words to us. We are also introducing potty training. When placed on the toilet he does produce but he has no interest in telling us or cooperating so we are backing off for the time being because he is not mentally ready! This year will be a very challenging year with him and I am expecting the terrible 3's to rear their head soon. I think terrible 2's are a crock! Most 2 year olds are very good...age 3 is what's difficult!

Austin's 3 year old photo
Twins are in the air or water I tell ya! Everywhere we go, someone is having twins! I personally know of 5 sets last year (and a handful I have heard about but dont know them) and now I have two more friends due this year! I don't know if I am more aware of twins because we have them or if the rate of twin births is actually on the rise! Either way, we now have a large circle of people to share stories and tips with! They truly are a wonderful blessing but it's very exhausting mentality and physically. Lately I have noticed that I feel like I no longer know myself! I barely partake in anything that is not child related! Even when I leave the house it's for a child's appointment or to get supplies for kids! I am desperately ready to be me again and don't know when that will ever happen! Ashley the mom is here to stay but I hope Ashley the wife and Ashley the friend show up again soon!
Busy daddy
Mamma's boy
She sleeps like Mommy!
Drake Helping out During Christmas Break

I am a planning to take some portraits of the twins for their 6 month blog entry with their update on growth! Until February....