Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Twins are 2 months. corrected age 2 weeks!

Good morning we are wide awake!
Time flies when you're having fun! Paul might not agree with the term FUN but I love babies so life is good! The babies have been home for a month so it sure doesn't seem like 2 months already and they are the size of average new babies so that might be why two months seems so awkward. My official due date (September 21st) has come and gone and so we refer to the babies development by the term "corrected age." This means that although they are 2 months of age, we judge their milestone accomplishments with other babies by measuring their age from my due date. Technically then, they are only 2 weeks old and should only be doing what other two week old infants do! I would say this is mostly true in my opinion but they are ahead with some things like how much milk they drink at each feed(4-5 ounces) and how long they sleep at night (4-8 hours) between feeds. Kelsey has also started to roll over from her stomach to her back which is EXTREMELY early!

8 weeks old and matching clothes
Right now our average routine is this. Wake up at 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. and feed both babies. One is nursed the other receives a formula bottle. They eat again at 12:00 or 1:00 and they trade places. The opposite twin gets nursed and the other receives the formula bottle. They eat again then around 4:00 with the trade system and again around at 7:00 or 8:00p.m. They take their last feed about 11:00 pm and then sleep until around 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. and then the process starts all over again. Most of the time I am lucky enough to have a nap in the afternoon when all 3 kids sleep from 2-4ish.

Austin loving on his siblings
Wearing Logan
Paul has been back to work so I don't wake him during the night unless they are both up at the same time or I am having a rough night which isn't that often, once every couple nights or so. I make time to eat, clean and give Austin attention and some occasional baking and cooking. I really don't know how I am pulling it all off but as long as I stay busy I don't get tired. As soon as I sit down it all hits me so I try not to sit haha! I have only had about two weeks on my own which I have done well, the other two weeks I have had lots of help between my mom and my cousin Katie. Everything runs smoother when someone else is around but I have been doing just fine on my own too! I have bonded well with the babies which is good but it also means that they prefer for me to hold them versus being laid down. I often "wear" whichever twin is acting up or wanting more attention. We have a great Bjorn baby carrier that I sport around the house doing dishes and laundry with baby in tow! Kelsey has a small hernia so she prefers to lay on her tummy. I do allow her to rest a couple times a day on her belly with my supervision but never at night.
Wearing Kelsey

As for me, I had my 6 week check-up and everything is fine. My scar has healed wonderfully and is very small and not very noticeable. I have also gained most of the feeling back around the scar too which I was surprised about because I though it would take longer. The only thing left is about an inch around my waist I would like to lose before the next bathing suit season and the weird fatty "shelf" that rests atop my scar which I have been informed might never go away but at least it's hidden :/

We have been getting more used to our family of 5 and went home for a weekend this past month. Sure, it would be easier to stay at home but we have had our fill of being at home. It was amazing to get away and change up our routine a bit. Luckily, we have everything we need at my parents house which makes traveling home fairly easy. We plan to come home at least once a month. We enjoy continuing to keep our lives busy and want the babies to get used to being "on the go" as we are very social people and enjoy have our children in the mix! We are not the type of people who plan our days around nap times or bedtimes. We do keep a routine but it's very flexible! Austin is a go with the flow kid that can nap and sleep anywhere. We would like the babies to be the same so getting them out of the house every once in awhile will be good for that! Granted, we are more precautious this time around to keep the babies healthy but coming home to see family has been safe so far. I have also taken the babies out for a date each so far. It's easiest for Paul to have Austin and only one baby if I am going to be gone for a long period of time. So, I took Logan with me to my mommies group open house and I took Kelsey shopping with me to a PTA sale because we needed some more fleece clothes.

Heading out for a walk while cousin Katie visited
The babies had their 2 month checkup and weigh in at crazy big weights. Kelsey is 9 pounds 2 ounces and 20.5 inches long. And Logan is 10 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches. He's already on track to be a toad baby just like big brother Austin. I am hoping that Kelsey will be our peanut so I don't have 2 ultra heavy babies. They are growing so fast and use size 1 diapers and have started wearing 0-3 month clothes. Considering their corrected age we moved quickly out of the NB diapers and NB clothes. We are still wearing pretty much only fleece jammies. I tried cotton clothes for the warm weeks we had but the babies were very fussy and I think they just weren't warm and snuggly enough. As soon as I put them back in fleece clothes they have been happy and content again. Logan has reflux so he has been on Zantac like Austin was. It works mostly but he burps all day long. We know that if he lets out his normally very loud scream/cry it's because he has yet another burp! Kelsey is generally more mild of a baby and has cute little girly cries not like Logans screeching screams! This week also marks the first time that the babies both slept through the night. We fed them at 11:00p.m. and Kelsey ate again at 6:00a.m. and Logan at 7:15 a.m. Logan mostly has 6 hour nights but now maybe both babies can have longer nights (fingers crossed). We've had it really good! The NICU has its advantages. They came home on a wonderful schedule and I only had a couple weeks of rough sleep before they started going 4-5 hours and now a couple weeks later they are starting to sleep through the night. I could not be happier!!! We have had many friends and family with twins whose babies didn't sleep well until around 4 months or later! They are doing so well that they will have their next Dr. Appt. At 4 months just like average babies! I will continue to post once a month for now and I know lots of you already see these pictures on Facebook but we have many friends and family that aren't on Facebook and that's why I continue to post on both!
Legs out and ready for shots at the pediatrician

 Until next month!