Thursday, September 4, 2014

Weeks 36 and 37 Twins 3 and 4 weeks old "Party of five"

Mirror Image
Sunday was disappointing because we knew Kelsey had to spend some more time in the hospital. She may only be involved in a 3 day countdown instead of 5 days but we hadn't heard which. Life was usual for me, I went in to visit and feed Kelsey and then spent the rest of the day with the boys. We had our first 4 member family nap time (we do this at least one of the days of the weekend because we stay up later at night usually watching movies and need extra sleep. We hope that Kelsey will also be on board with this tradition haha! Later Paul took his regular turn to the hospital and gave Kelsey a bath while he was there! I was very proud of him :)

Monday  we had a new game plan. I didn't have anyone lined up for this week to watch the boys because we had thought Kelsey would be home so instead I went into the hospital at 8:00a.m. to nurse Kelsey and plan to do this the rest of the week until she is home. She finally latched on after not nursing for a whole week and she ate great and we actually got to cuddle. She stayed wide wake for our visit and it was very nice to visit with her. It was also my first day home alone with the boys. We had a great, quiet and relaxing day which included our now daily nap in the afternoon....ahhh if life could be this easy. I am nervous about when Kelsey comes home and this system is disrupted. Again like I said earlier, I hope she is on board with the whole mommy needs a nap plan :) One can hope right???

Tuesday Kelsey nursed well again but later in the day she had some eating related spells. The more dangerous spells occur when they are fast asleep and require the 5 day countdown. The feeding spells are either related to too much food intake, burping or reflux and only requires a 3 day countdown. So we are now looking at Friday for her to come home. Logan is doing great at home and I have already noticed his pattern of wake time during the day.

Wednesday Logan had a pediatrician appointment. He grew loads! He is now 18+ inches, when he was born he was 16.5. He is now 5 pounds 12 ounces. The Doctor was very pleased with our progress and it was a real accomplishment for me that I am doing my job right and that he is eating enough! Kelsey had an eating spell so we are on a three day countdown for coming home on Saturday. She also is tipping the scales at 5 pounds 14 ounces. It may just be a matter of days before they are both 6 pounds, I just cannot believe how well they are doing. I am doing awesome too! I stepped on the scale and was shocked to see that I am down to 119 pounds which I am really happy with. I only have a small pouch just above my incision. It's like a fat shelf hahaha! The "pouch" has barely any feeling sensation above or below but my friends have told me that the feeling will eventually come back and the pouch will go away too. Yay, hopefully in time for beach season next summer, although I don't know how much beach and pool going I will do with 3 kids but we will see.

4 weeks old and I am thin again!
Thursday my mom came up to spend time with the boys. I went in to feed Kelsey and ran a couple errands. It has been nice to feel like I have a Iife again(and to think) I wasn't supposed to drive yet until this Sunday! With talking to many people about the no drive period, we as a group decided that yes, it was a good idea to not drive the first two weeks in order to let my body heal but the second two weeks was okay because some people still take the pain medicine but I had stopped taking those, so driving would be fine.

Friday my lack of 9-10 hours of sleep caught up with me. I will confess that I slept through my 4:00a.m. alarm to feed Logan and he woke me at 5:30 fussing and wide awake ready to eat. He had gone 4.5 hours during the night. If only I could feed on demand I would be getting much better sleep. I am going to ask the Pediatrician at our next appointment on Tuesday when we might be able to stretch out the night time feeds especially because they are both gaining great weight. Speaking of, Kelsey has hit the 6 pound world!!! What a big girl :) Logan should also be passing this milestone in the next couple of days. Kelsey nursed well again this morning which makes me so happy. There is light at the end of the breast feeding tunnel. I had a pleasant surprise this evening when pumping, I produced 4 ounces of milk during one session!!! With just a couple days shy now of 4 weeks my milk production has increased loads! I am curious how much more my body is capable of producing during one feed. This is the most fun science experiment I have ever done haha! We have our fingers crossed right now because Kelsey is so very close to coming home tomorrow and it's become nerve wracking when each of us goes in to feed and find out her progress and either good or bad news for the day.

Kelsey coming home!
Saturday yay! Today is THE day. Kelsey is given the go ahead to come home!!!! Hip hip hurray!!! I went to the hospital one last time to sign the paper work and bring Kelsey home while Paul stayed home with the boys! I was more than elated! How nice it will be to all be home and not shuffling back and forth to the hospital. Our first day/night home went very successfully. I switch off nursing and feeding each a bottle every 3 hours. While I nurse, Paul feeds the other a formula bottle. This way we are done in about 20 minutes and back to life with our toddler or back to sleep. It is a very good system :)
First morning home snuggles

Grammy and her 5 grandkids
The rest of our weekend was spent with Family. First Paul's family came to meet the babies and have dinner and then my family came to have dinner for the holiday. We also had our first month well check-up for the babies. Kelsey is weighing in at 6 lbs 10 oz. and Logan is 6 lbs 8 oz. Because we are doing so well with weight gain we are allowed to extend the bed time feeds to every 4 hours! I'm am really excited about this as I will get better sleep. I cannot complain though, I have been getting around 6-7 hours of broken sleep now anyway so I am pretty lucky as it is. We are also allowed to demand feed during the day which ends up being about every 2.5-3.5 hours. We always wake the other baby when one wakes up to feed to keep them awake and asleep at the same times. This has proven very successful with only some hiccups in the system! Overall, we are doing awesome and aren't exhausted which I find very surprising. I was wayyyy more sleepy with Austin but then again before Austin I used to sleep like 11 hours and after Austin I sleep 8-9 hours on average. I am excited to announce too that Kelsey has joined the afternoon nap routine and I get to take a nap while all 3 kids are asleep. This definitely helps with my energy level and why I am coping so well with 3 kids.
Grandpa and his 3 grandkids

Cute new jammies from Grammy
I will no longer be doing daily updates. I think I will just post each month with some checkup updates and photos, so until then......
Matching outfits for our 1 month photo